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TDM23 is a file-based model where the inputs are visible in the user interface (UI). These inputs are also stored in the "CTPS_TDM23.parameters" and "CTPS_TDM23.scenarios" files. For more information, refer to the Define Scenarios section. The inputs can be either references to files, such as zonal data and networks, or simple values.

Input Folder Structure
Folder Description
zonal Socioeconomic and geographic data
zonal/shp TAZ shapefiles
zonal/equity Equity component data
networks/tdm23.1.0/[scenario_year] Roadway and transit network
networks/osm_20220506 Non-motorized network
params General parameters for model components
params/airquality Parameters for air quality component

The TDM23 UI organizes frequently changed parameters in the "Primary Inputs" section, making it easy for the modeler to adjust values that are likely to vary from scenario to scenario. Less frequently changed inputs, such as parameter values, are organized by demand and supply components. This structure helps prevent accidental changes or missed settings while maintaining full functionality. The tables below present only the data that can be found in the "Primary Inputs" section of the UI. For a full list of all files and parameters in TDM23, please refer to the Data Dictionary.

Zonal Data

The zonal data input is data organized by TAZ or Census Block.

Zonal Data
Type Description Primary Inputs Location in UI Data Dictionary
MA Population Population in Massachusetts from UrbanSim Socio-Economic and Trips MA Population
NH and RI Population Population in New Hampshire and Rhode Island from PopulationSim Socio-Economic and Trips NHRI Population
MA Employment Employment in Massachusetts from UrbanSim Socio-Economic and Trips MA Employment
NH and RI Employment Employment in New Hampshire and Rhode Island from PopulationSim Socio-Economic and Trips NHRI Employment
School and University Enrollment K-12 and College Commuter Socio-Economic and Trips School and University Enrollment
Intersection Densities Proxy for ease of walking and biking Networks and Zonal Data Intersection Densities
Parking Costs Hourly, daily and monthly Networks and Zonal Data Parking Costs


The population and employment data are at the block level. However, TAZs and blocks don't line up perfectly, so a single block can be part of multiple TAZs. Two files explain how blocks and TAZs are related:

  • block_allocation_20230314.csv: Located in zonal/shp/, this file lists all the TAZs that each block overlaps and the area ratio of the block within each TAZ. Since a block can be part of multiple TAZs, the file has more rows than there are blocks, with each block appearing multiple times to show its different TAZs and corresponding area ratios.

  • block_assignment_20230314.csv: Also located in zonal/shp/, this file, along with the database tables, clearly links each TAZ to a block based on the block's largest area within the TAZ.


Roadway Symbol
Facility Types
Facility Type Definition
Freeways Grade separated, high speed, high capacity and limited access
Expressways Very few signals, high speed connections between major points
Major Arterials Connecting major points with frequency traffic signals
Minor Arterials Connecting local points and major arterials with frequency traffic signals
Collectors Connecting to neighborhoods and arterials
Local Roads lower speed connectors
Ramps Connecting freeways and expressways to other roads
Roadway Network Data
Type Description Primary Inputs Location in UI Data Dictionary
Roadway DBD File Roadway links and nodes Networks and Zonal Data Roadway DBD File
Turn Penalties Delay for turning movements Networks and Zonal Data Turn Penalties
Init Speeds - am Warm up speeds for AM Networks and Zonal Data Init Speeds - am
Init Speeds - md Warm up speeds for MD Networks and Zonal Data Init Speeds - md
Transit Symbol

The transit network represents the alignment, stop locations, headways, travel times, and fares for transit service aggregated to the four model time periods. It is developed using General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data.

Transit Modes
Transit Mode Description
Local Bus MBTA bus service
Express Bus MBTA express bus service (higher fare, express service)
Bus Rapid Silver Line - all routes
Light Rail Green Line and Mattapan High Speed
Heavy Rail Red, Blue, and Orange Lines
Commuter Rail All commuter rail lines
Ferry All commuter boat services
Shuttle Point to point service, potentially restricted access
RTA Local Bus Bus services supplied by non-MBTA operators
Regional Bus Bus services with longer distance routes
Transit Network Data
Type Description Primary Inputs Location in UI Data Dictionary
Transit RTS File Transit links and nodes Networks and Zonal Data Transit RTS File
Transit Mode Table Mode attributes Networks and Zonal Data Transit Mode Table
Init PnR Demand - am Warm up PnR demand Networks and Zonal Data Init PnR Demand - am
Non-motorized Symbol

The non-motorized network is created from OpenStreetMap excluding links where walking and biking is prohibited. It includes all local roads and paths unlike the roadway network.

Non-motorized Network Data
Type Description Primary Inputs Location in UI Data Dictionary
Non-Motorized DBD File Walking and biking network Networks and Zonal Data Non-Motorized DBD File


TDM23 incorporates other variables related to model components such as:

Other Data
Type Description Primary Inputs Location in UI Data Dictionary
Special Generators Casinos Socio-Economic and Trips Special Generators
Base External Station Volumes External trips Socio-Economic and Trips Base External Station Volumes
Airport Ground Access Trips Airport Trips Socio - Economic and Trips * Simple value