
TDM23 outputs are written to a folder specific to each model scenario (./outputs/[scenario_name] by default). Outputs from each model component, including those that are used as inputs to successive components, are stored in the scenario output folder. Along with the model outputs, TDM23 copies the full set of model parameters, generates summaries and reports, and writes all run logs to the scenario output folder.

TDM23 outputs are mainly stored

  • in an SQLite database;
  • as tables indexed to the highway or transit networks;
  • as tables indexed to TAZ; and
  • as matrices.

In addition, the input highway and transit networks are copied to the scenario folder and the tables are extended with derived attributes and a selection of the assignment results.

Output folders, as illustrated in table below, are prefixed with an underscore (_) to distinguish them from subfolders containing outputs of child scenarios within the current scenario.

Output Folder Structure
Output Folder Associated Model Component(s) Content
_assignment Highway Assignment Transit PnR Assignment Volumes, VMT, VHT by time of day for DA, SR, MTRK, HTRK ONs, OFFs, loading by time of day for TW, TA access, TA egress and LX
_assignment/pnr Transit PnR Assignment Volumes, VMT, VHT by time of day for DA, SR, MTRK, HTRK ONs, OFFs, loading by time of day for TW, TA access, TA egress and LX
_demand/mc Mode Choice Mode Shares PA trips by mode, purpose, and market segment
_demand/td Trip Distribution Mode Choice Logsums PA trips by purpose and market segment
_demand/tod Time of Day Mode Choice Logsums PA trips by purpose and market segment
_feedback Trip Distribution Mode Choice PA to OD Highway Assignment Transit PnR Assignment Skimming Intermediate files saved at every iteration (optionally)
_logs Trip Distribution Mode Choice PA to OD Highway Assignment Transit PnR Assignment Skimming Information about iterations of a loop and a record of any errors that may occur
_networks Roadway Init Transit Init Walk Network Build and Skim Roadway VDF Loaded networks with flows, volumes and boardings/alightings
_postproc/airquality Air quality Analysis Emissions by link and TAZ
_postproc/equity Equity Analysis Equity metrics by link, aggregate by population
_skim Skimming DA and SR skims by AM and MD TW and TA skim by AM and MD NM skims (daily) PnR Use by Interchange
_summary/emat Connected to all components Exploratory modeling
_summary/geo Trip Generation Trip Distribution Mode Choice Summary of trips and mode choice by geographical level
_summary/hwy Highway Assignment Total highway volumes by link and time of day
_summary/postproc Air Quality Analysis Equity Analysis Air quality and equity metrics aggregated
_summary/tld Trip Distribution Trip length distribution by travel purpose and mode
_summary/trips Trip Generation Trip Distribution Summary of all kind of trips
_summary/trn Transit PnR Assignment Transit volumes, boardings/alightings and PnR demand
_summary/zonal Zonal Data Init Vehicle Availability Socioeconomic summaries
./ (root folder) * SQLite Database Vehicle availability by household id and block id Work from home equivalents by taz Trips produced by workeres/household Trips attracted by segment and block
./ (root folder) * JSON Config File Scenario parameter values