After running TDM23 successfully, the results are saved in a folder specific to each model scenario. Given the variety and volume of outputs, we recommend starting your analysis with the key outputs summarized in the following table. For a full list of outputs in TDM23, please refer to the Data Dictionary.
Key Outputs
Category | Folder | File(s) | Content | Data Dictionary |
TransCAD Summary Report | _summary | scenario_name_report.html | High level summaries for every component | * Not applicable |
Highway Network | _networks | LinksNodes.dbd | Link specifications, Flows by link and tod | Roadway Network |
Transit Network | _summary/trn | transit_activity_summary.csv | Boardings/alightings by route id and stop id | Transit Network |
Daily OD/Mode Choice | _summary/trips | per_trips_daily.mtx veh_trips_daily.mtx | Person trips (OD table) Vehicle trips (OD table) | Trip Generation |
Skims | _skim | hwy_[tod].mtx ta_[tod].mtx tw_[tod].mtx nm_daily.mtx | Highway skims AM/MD Transit-auto skims AM/MD Transit-walk skims AM/MD Daily Non-motorized skims | Skims |
Disaggregate Model Results | ./ (root folder) | tdm23.db | Vehicle availability by household id and block id (veh) Work from home equivalents by taz (wfh) Trips produced by workeres/household (trip_prod) Trips attracted by segment and block (trip_attr) | SQLite Database |